Simon’s independence grows with specialist brain injury support from Maeres House!
Simon is a person we support at Maeres House, one of our specialist brain injury support services located in Widnes. Using a person-centred approach and tailoring support to meet individual needs, our team are empowering people, like Simon, to regain skills and live as independently as they choose!
Suffering from a brain injury impacted Simon’s memory, which was limited before he moved in to Maeres House. His ultimate goal is to transition back into the community and get his own bungalow. And thanks to the support of his specialist team, Simon’s close to getting his own place!
Supporting Simon to achieve his goals
Simon suffered a brain injury after being hit by a car. The accident broke nearly every bone in his body but, when doctors thought the worse, Simon found the strength to pull through!
Upon moving to Maeres House, the team collaborated with Simon’s support network to understand his needs and ensure they provided him with the right support. With this information, the team could provide him with care and support tailored to his individual needs, helping him overcome the challenges he encountered after his accident.
When Simon first arrived at Maeres House, he struggled to communicate with his housemates and his team. This meant he didn’t engage with them and often worried about getting his words jumbled.
We understood how important it was for Simon to regain clear verbal communication and support him with his confidence. By getting to know him as a person, we discovered how much pride he places in everything he does.
His team knew it was key for Simon to receive various therapies to support development of his communication. They set to work in engaging him with speech, language, and drama therapy.
Putting these in place, marked a turning point in Simon’s journey. He’s regaining confidence and now enjoys having conversations with people – proud he can say the right words, at the right time!
Reaching incredible milestones
With additional specialist brain injury support from his team and an occupational therapist, Simon’s thriving. He’s accessing the local community and does his weekly shop by himself. He even prepares his own tasty meals in the Maeres House kitchen.
This is a huge step for Simon in becoming independent and accomplishing his goal of moving into his own home. This new independence has seen Simon flourish, helping him rediscover a new lease of life!
But it’s not just cooking he’s enjoying, growing his own fruit and veg is one of his passions, and he uses the fresh ingredients he grows in his meals too! He’s hoping to transition into his own home with a garden to ensure he can continue to enjoy doing this as part of a healthy lifestyle.
What does Simon’s future look like?
With the care, understanding and commitment of his team, Simon’s one step closer to living by himself again, which he truly wants and deserves. Always on the go, he loves interacting with other housemates and loves a game of pool in the activity room. He also enjoys participating in group activities, which is helping him to regain important social skills.
Although he’s looking forward to having a place of his own, he will miss his housemates and support team. They’ve supported him in every step of his rehabilitation pathway and he’s a lively member of the Maeres House family. To ensure he gets the best of both worlds, we will support him to find a home that offers both independence and companionship. Whatever Simon wants, we’ll work hard to source it!
The team will miss Simon when he eventually leaves Maeres House. They are proud to have been part of Simon’s rehabilitation journey and can’t wait to see him reach his end goal, enjoying life in his own home again!

Learn more about specialist brain injury support!
Visit our dedicated webpage to find out more about how we support people with brain injuries to live fulfilling lives. Ready to make an enquiry? Fill in our quick form and our friendly team will be in touch!