Making a splash at Marner House!

Marner House is a brain injury rehabilitation service that provides specialist, person-centred care and support. Throughout lockdown they have been finding different ways to stay busy and have fun.

During the beautiful weather we were experiencing, it was suggested by the people we support that we should have some fun in the sun. “Let’s have a carwash!”, they declared.  

All of the residents at Marner House actively got involved and had an amazing time, especially when it involved soaking the staff!

Dean, a person we support said, “It was nice to have something to do to keep my mind occupied, I normally just read a lot so was lovely to do something different”. Another person we support, Raymond, also said, “It reminds me of what I used to do before I had my accident”.

Teresa Hill, Support Worker said, “I love seeing the people we support complete functional fun activities, that promotes their independence”. As well as Charlotte Lenton, Service Manager, said, “I love seeing the people we support complete functional fun activities, that promotes their independence.”

Functional fun activities are essential in supporting the physical, social, and psychological health of the people we support to help them function better in society. We understand how important progressing towards independence is, and so functional activities is just one of the methods we use to monitor the progress and focus of the incredible people we support.

After a fantastic day outside, the people we support tucked into a takeaway of choice. A perfect way to end the day!

Are you looking for support after a brain injury for you, your loved one or your client? Speak to our friendly enquiry line team by calling them on 0800 0353 776 or emailing

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